Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Hampir tengah malam ketika ketidaksengajaan mempertemukan aku dengan kamu, Di antara mata-mata penuh kantuk dan asap rokok yang mengebul juga ditemani remang-remang cahaya serta alunan lagu mendayu-dayu yang berteriak dalam pelan dari sebuah radio baterei tua di pojok warung kopi; aku kembali menyapamu.
Masih tergambar jelas di anganku senyummu kala itu. manik matamu seolah merangkai kata-kata indah yang tanpa kau ucapkan lewat bibir dadumu itu pun aku sudah paham.
Aku mengangguk. Tersenyum.
Kau mengangguk. Tersenyum.
Dalam diam kita ucapkan salam perpisahan untuk tahun-tahun ke depan.

Kamis, Jan 14 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016


                   so close

I thought could be reached easily

yet                so                unattainable                in                  reality.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

5 Things That I Love

Yes, this is 1 o'clock in the morning and yes I'm still awake so I come up with the idea to write a blog post about 5 things that I like
So... Here we go~

1. The sound of the rain and the petrichor that comes afterwards. For you who don't know what petrichor is, it is the pleasant, earthy smell after rain. They always give me this bizarre feeling. Both the sound of the rain and petrichor are so nostalgic and mellow, sappy and moving, yet at the same time are very calming and they also give me some kind of indescribable pleasure that makes me feel even more alive  *camera zooms in and zooms out*

2. Poetry. This, I think, is the best way to rant, babble, and just basically pour out your heart and opinion without being too blunt. I also realize that ever since I started reading poetry, I've become a more reflective person. Plus, the best thing about reading and writing poetry is: you can learn and endless amount of exquisite words. Boom!

3. Coffee. The scent of coffee gives me life and the bitterness in coffee is actually adding a hint of sweetness in my life.
***Uhm, what a good way to describe something, Lyd. :")

4. The sound of the sea shore. I mean, come on! What can be better than the sound of the swells racing with each other, trying to reach the shore?
Now I really want to go to the beach.

5. The color of the twilight sky. It's just amazing to see how the sun, with all of its humbleness, slowly creeping away from the sky to let the stars and the moon take its place. And I feel like instead of making the sky looks dreary while it is in transition, the willingness of the sun to give away its place for 12 hours allows me to experience such an enchanting view of the sky where I can see a fusion of colors that makes the sky looks even more captivating eventually❤