Friday, May 22, 2015

Life as A Highschooler

Puji Tuhan..
I don't even know where to start this.
Life as a highschooler, terutama di Sanur, wasn't easy at all. It was tough. Although I got to know some new friends yang bahkan sampe sekarang masih temenan deket, tetep aja, first grade was totally tough. I remember crying one night in the first year of highschool karena ulangan fisika yang.. HADEH. Pernah juga dapet nilai matematika jelek, terus nangis di depan guru. Oh, the memories. Thanks to those patient teachers and supportive friends, I could pass the first year of high school.
Sebenernya kaget juga bisa naik ke kelas 11 hahaha.
Lalu terjadilah kelas 11. I had never been that happier before. I got good friends, I met some of my bestfriends, and life was just full of happy things. It was probably one of the happiest years in my life.
Kemudian datanglah kelas 12. One word to describe grade 12 is HECTIC. Ada banyak banget hal yang harus dipikirin anak kelas 12. Belom lagi kegiatan2 yang dibikin sekolah. Ada live in, smash, retret, dll. Semuanya full of memories, the fun ones and the upsetting ones. Yang jelas, I am super thankful bisa ikut SMASH. It was like my HUGE milestone. Oiya, di kelas 12 ini, muncul peraturan2 aneh baru di sekolah yang bikin Santa Ursula BSD literally berasa kayak "Penjara Hijau". Peraturan2 aneh yang bikin rasanya pengen cepet2 lulus, keluar dari sekolah, ngerasain bebasnya jadi anak kuliahan. Waktu mulai modul, rasanya bosennn banget. Pengen cepet2 selesai. I didn't realize justru masa2 itu yang bakalan dikangenin the most.
Satu minggu yang lalu, pengumuman kelulusan. Thank God, kami lulus 100%. Tapi, from that moment, I already knew that I am going to miss every little thing in highschool (*take deep breath* I am about to cry). Keluar bareng ke toilet, ngaca2 nggak jelas di toilet, doing crazy stuffs, modus2an bercanda (hahaha), makan bareng waktu istirahat, masa2 ujian praktek, masuk kelas paling akhir pas selesai istirahat, gambar2 di papan tulis, getting ready every morning even before the sun came out (kalo disuruh gini lagi, gamau sih, cuma kangen aja), guru2 yang peduli banget (saking pedulinya kadang ada yang jadi agak rese ya..). Banyak banget deh pokoknya! Those things. Those LITTLE big things are things that I will miss the most from highschool. Oiya, I'm also thankful for every teacher yang udah ngajarin a lot of things in highschool. Thank you for the dedication.
Satu hari yang lalu, prom. It was FUN. I know I'm going to miss latian buat performance, bikin video kelas, and of course the prom itself. Sekarang pun udah kangen sih. Sebenernya agak sedih karena kemaren nggak sempet saying a proper goodbye ke beberapa temen. Thus, kasih goodbyenya lewat sini aja ya. Walaupun ini juga nggak gitu proper sih ya.. Intinya, thank you semua buat 3 tahun di SMA ini. Kalian udah ngasih some very precious memories in my life. One thing for sure, I am going to miss you guys. I am very sorry kalo gue pernah bikin kalian sakit hati atau sebel. So long, farewell, until we meet again. God bless you guys, sukses di jenjang selanjutnya dan jangan pernah lupain this one friend of yours (a.k.a me ehehe) or any other GOOD friend of yours from highschool. I love you guys!
Jumat, 22 Mei 2015.